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Showing posts from 2019
Why is love getting spookier and why are psychics being besieged by ghost stories.  A London psychic explains why. Read my interview withLilli Rice , who has just set up ground-breaking one stop psychic reading and healing service here. The academic and writer    David W Orr, in his oft-quoted narrative on the value of conventional success in a self serving and traumatised world, presents a passionate case for a holistic approach to healing the spiritual, psychological and environmental harm inflicted on our planet and the living beings who inhabit it. “The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people,” he writes. “But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every It’s a philosophy that resonates with all kinds of healers lovers, and storytellers, particularly at a moment in history when mass market,    social media driven distortions prevail. But how, realistically, can i...